
Friday, March 30, 2012

"What Is Autism?" Is A Question With No Easy Answers

What is autism? What a complex question that is to answer, because autism is diagnosed on a very large spectrum, which ranges from severely affected to people who can be quite high functioning. Luckily, doctors are better educated in the areas of autism, which is one reason there are more people diagnosed with autism in the last 2 decades. There also seems to be an increase in diagnosed autism for other reasons as well, but the cause of that is harder to find and prove. Childhood vaccines have been conclusively ruled out though.
I could write an entire book about what autism is from the medical and clinical standpoint. There is no shortage of theories and medical literature about what autism is. When you start asking questions about autism, you should be prepared to hear a lot of “we just don’t know” along with a lot of theories and conflicting opinions.
But to me, autism is better known as my grandson Jake. He is 10 years old; with huge blue eyes and a smile that melts your heart. Jake has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS which is Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified, also called atypical autism. That is an ironic term since there is no typical case of autism, each person with it is quite unique in the ways they express their autism.
Jake was premature and encountered quite a few problems in the beginning of his life. Did this contribute to his later diagnosis? Depends on who you ask, but generally doctors say they just don’t know.
Jake doesn’t speak but he recently thrilled us when he uttered “meow” in response to a book that was being read to him. Jake does laugh and he loves music, especially upbeat guitar music. He doesn’t like sad songs though. He will eat almost anything but depends on his mom to feed it to him. Unlike many children with autism, Jake likes to cuddle with his mom and can be quite affectionate.
If only autism was his only problem it might be easier, but unfortunately, like many autistic children, Jake has other health issues as well. His mom must be vigilant in observing him to find out if he is hurting or not feeling well because Jake can’t tell her what is wrong. He is currently taking a daily heartburn drug because of his reflux. He has an array of doctors to see to his various health problems which include scoliosis, balance problems and frequent earaches.
Luckily, Jake has a mom who is terrific with him and very attentive. He is one of the happiest kids I know, due to his mother’s care for him. She could write a book about what she has learned by being his mom. She was very young, just married and Jake was her first child. She has a sense of humor and frequently uses it.
When you are trying to find out more about autism, it is good to know the facts of autism. But don’t dismiss the wealth of information you will learn by looking into the faces of autism, as well as those who care for them. That is where you will truly learn the most about autism.

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